• Birth Injury Lawyers

    For the majority of families the birth of a child is a joyful moment. But occasionally babies are born with horrific injuries that require a lifetime of special care and treatment.

    If a doctor’s actions or inactions fell below the medical standard of care, and the birth injury caused damage, you could be entitled…[Read more]

  • Birth Injury Atlanta

    Many of the signs of birth trauma are not immediately apparent. This is especially relevant for conditions like cerebral palsy that may occur after a baby is born.

    It is important to act quickly if you suspect that your child has suffered a birth injury. If a lawyer is able to examine medical documents, they will…[Read more]

  • Birth Injury Atlanta

    Many of the signs of birth trauma are not immediately apparent. This is especially relevant for conditions like cerebral palsy that may occur after a baby is born.

    It is important to act quickly if you suspect that your child has suffered a birth injury. If a lawyer is able to examine medical documents, they will…[Read more]

  • Birth Injury Lawsuits

    If your child is injured during birth because of negligence by a medical professional It can have lasting consequences. Our Atlanta birth injury attorneys can help families recover compensation for their long-term medical costs and lost future income.

    To make a convincing argument, we must show that…[Read more]

  • Atlanta Birth Injury Attorneys

    Medical malpractice during labor and birth can be a devastating loss for families. A Atlanta birth injury attorney can help you establish a claim if there is evidence that a healthcare professional violated their duty of care, and the malpractice caused your child’s injuries.

    These injuries usually…[Read more]

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