• Even though a portion people are badmouthing Disc, they’re still necessary to me. I realize that more and more and more people decide to share personal video shots on the phone or Cloud storage services nowadays, but movies and longer-form home videos are still easier to share and observe on CD and DVD.

    Making DVD…[Read more]

  • Although many everyone is badmouthing CD and DVD, they’re still beneficial to me. I recognize that more and more people decide to share personal video shots over the phone or Cloud storage services nowadays, but movies and longer-form home videos remain simpler to share watching on CD and DVD.

    Learning to make DVD…[Read more]

  • While a good many individuals are badmouthing Disc, they’re still necessary to me. I recognize more people these days opt to share personal video shots on the phone or Cloud storage services nowadays, but movies and longer-form home videos continue to be better to share watching on CD and DVD.

    Making DVD labels with…[Read more]

  • Philipsen Polat became a registered member 1 year, 11 months ago